Sixty years had come and gone since the first story was told and the first blocks were laid for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rollington Town and this congregation was still vigilantly obeying the commission to make disciples of all men. Rollington Town Seventh-day Adventist Church filled its benches to capacity as it continued to spread the Advent message in this corner of the vineyard. And it wasn’t long before this church was ready to give birth and in the years that followed we gladly shared our membership in the establishment of the churches in Bull Bay and Harbour View in the 1970s,
Johnson Town in 1982 and King’s Chapel in 1985.
We were proud of our daughter churches and how well they were growing and we are still proud.
We were privileged to have had another group of dedicated, Christian leadership from Pastors Keith Boyd, B. A Woodbourne, Reuben Douglas, J. G. Bennett, M.E. Weir, Philip Hosten, Carlton Anderson, Devon Osbourne V.O. Newman, Joseph Barrett, Claude Brown.
(In Group Picture, Keith Boyd)
Reuben Douglas
J.G. Bennett
M.E. Weir
Phillip Hosten
Carlton Anderson
Devon Osbourne
In the addition, the church also saw the service of other named elders George Bennett, Garth Wright, Fred Blackwood, and W. Beckford.
George Bennett
Garth Wright
Fred Blackwood
The church building weathered many storms after its erection in 1931 and deterioration and hurricane Gilbert in 1988 along with the growing membership and the need for suitable accommodations for the children Sabbath School classes resulted in major remodeling of the structure.
It was during this period of our history that our church pioneered Youth Sabbath for Jamaica. On June 10, 1969, under the leadership of Hugh Maynard-Reid, the Missionary Volunteer (MV) Department led out in the first Youth Sabbath programme. In 1978 the global youth department had a name change and became the Adventist Youth Department.
Pastor Hugh Maynard-Reid
Our youth leadership continued to serve in all departments of the church both locally and overseas.
This congregation was among the first to launch a Pathfinder Club in the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and in the early years of Pathfindering, the Astronaut Pathfinder Club was one of the most outstanding in Jamaica. Under the dynamic leadership of Sisters Hazel Maynard-Henry, Yvonne Gregory and Trefina Williams and Bro. Hugh Maynard-Reid, the Astronaut Pathfinder Club excelled.
In 1985 under the leadership of Master Guide Grace Fowlin Beckford, the Astronaut Pathfinder Club was reenergized. Since then, it has been On The Move with energy and vitality.
This was the period for music at its best, the golden musical era if you may call it that. Our first electronic organ was dedicated to the Lord for use in the music ministry in October 1964.
We boasted the finest Youth Choir in Kingston and possibly in Jamaica, a Senior Choir with a standard of excellence coming from the era before that showed no signs of waning.
The best in male, female and mixed groups emerged and the legacy of music never faded, among them being the most celebrated male gospel group in this region, the Jammi award-winning WORD, sons of the soil coming together in the 80s to make beautiful music to the honour and glory of God.
The musical geniuses came in all ages and sexes covering vocals, instrumentals and choral direction. As the Lord blessed us and as we praised Him, sixty long years passed… gone into eternity.